FLY Bank_
Only 8% of millenials trust their banks to reach their financial goals. After discovering a lack of educational resources, ancient technology, and poor user experience, Fly Bank realized banking is broken...
We worked with FLY Bank to create a whole new banking model & application that would provide financial guidance, precise product recommendations, & an experience that users enjoy using while feeling they finally have the tools to truly reach their financial goals.
Product Innovation & Design
We introduced robo-investing to automate financial growth, budget management to monitor your spending, separate savings accounts for easy money management, and in-app card security to a region ready for innovation.
Market Understanding
The financial revolution in Europe & the US set the example for how users want to manage their money. We realized how quickly new users entering the financial system are moving away from traditional banking models. We identified the gap, researched the market, and conceptualized a product that would spark a new way to bank.