Spade identified a huge gap in financial technology in the Middle East. They were intensely curious on why the region was not seeing the emergence of great financial products...
We identified a major issue: banking data was inaccessible. We designed a product that would revolutionize the region, providing organized & real time data to financial applications.
Product / UX / Website & Development Architecture
The software development kit we designed connected banks, users, & fintech applications. The SDK allowed an apps users to access their financial data by connecting to their bank in the application. Developers could now build great niche financial products without the hassle of connecting to banking data. Users could now reap the benefit of great fintech apps modeled after Venmo, Robinhood, Clarity, & others.
Market Research & Competitor Analysis
We studied the landscape, competitors in the space, met with key players & landed on revolutionary technology capable of igniting exponential growth in the Middle East.