Wishlist came to us to to help them massively improve their customer retention, customer engagement, & inventory management for a unique model within the car industry...
With an amazing inventory Wishlist just needed a simple way for customers to browse and request vehicles they wanted. We created that for them & also organized all of their inquries in an easy to use dashboard.
WishList iOS & Web Application
Wishlist aims to make car shopping as simple as possible by handling any & all in easy to use apps. Whether you're on your phone or on your computer you can hand off all your car shopping tasks to WishList just by submitting a few details. Wishlist uses technology to quickly find a match.
Admin Panel
We created a custom admin panel for WishList to track their inventory. We optimized functionality by allowing WishList to sort by customer, make, model, year, mileage, budget, zip code, & inquiry stats. The panel also allows Wishlist to search inventory wide for specifics. We included a notification tab to allow WishList to send messages to its app users and keep customers engaged.